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Tips and tricks for how to supply or diagnose issues with your Bookvault files
Can you please explain the cover template?
Can graphics be included in my book?
Can you upload my files for me?
Can I put my colour pages wherever I like? [s]
Can your system accept Ingram Spark or KDP files
Does Bookvault add a barcode to my cover?
Does Bookvault provide an example of an Interior Template?
Does it cost extra for graphics / illustrations?
Do you offer design services?
Do you accept files in Microsoft Word?
How can I download PDFs for my book?
How do I indicate there is a full bleed on my artwork?
How do I see a virtual proof of the interior of my book
How should I size my PDF?
I am having trouble creating my cover, can you help?
I don't understand font embedding, what does it mean and why is it so important?
I have blank pages in my book, should I include them in my mono/colour page breakdown? [s]
I have updated my cover, why is my thumbnail image not updating? [s]
Is our file secure with Bookvault?
Is there a template for Duplex Covers?
I've changed my file, will my live order be printed with this file?
Must my title be in digital format when I submit it?
My book is printed in colour but I specified mono. [s]
My cover is slightly misaligned / off-centre
Should I supply crop marks, bleed marks and colour bars on my file? [s]
Should I upload single pages or spreads?
What colour profiles are best to use for printing? [s]
What file format can Bookvault work with?
What format do my files need to be in?
What happens if I do not embed my fonts? [s]
What is a virtual proof?
What is bleed and why do I need it?
What is PDF/X-1a:2001 and PDF/X-3:2002?
What does the Bookvault file validation check for? [s]
What DPI should I set for my images
What makes it a colour page? [s]
What width size can you have on a dust jacket?
Will my first page of my text file be printed on the right or the left? [s]
Is it possible to have my book bound at the top rather than the side?
How to embed my font in Microsoft Word