Does Bookvault add a barcode to my cover?

If you have opted to publish with Bookvault and using one of our registered ISBNs, you can allow our system to automatically create and add a barcode to your cover artwork, or you can download our barcode (from the publishing projects page) and apply that to your book.

Printed with Bookvault UK

For order that are printed at Bookvault UK, if you are using your own ISBN, or using one of our dummy ISBN's, then we will not add any barcode to your cover, and you must add that to your artwork if you wish for your book to have one.

Printed with Bookvault US

For orders that are printed at Bookvault US, we would require barcodes on the rear of the cover, if you have not added those to your artwork, this will be added by our system.

The standard dimensions of the barcode produced are; 38.1mm wide x 25.4mm tall

This is positioned 6.35mm (0.25in) from the bottom of the cover, and 6.35mm (0.25in) from the spine.