Using Bookvault's Shopify Plugin with other suppliers or services

Bookvault can be used in conjunction with other suppliers to fulfill your orders.

Things to consider

  • For Bookvault to fulfill a product, it must haven ISBN in the SKU of the product
  • If using locations, it's key to make sure they're routing to the correct location for the destination chosen. Bookvault does not play a hand in choosing which location an order is sent to - this is handled by Shopify, your order routing settings and your delivery profile
  • Be cautious of conflicts when using other service. An common example we're aware of is Lulu's method for adding shipping. This is where they require you to incorrectly set the weight of a product to 1lb and to manually build a profile with rates from their calculator. Bookvault automatically creates a weight based rate card on your Shopify store using exact product weights. Having the products as 1lb will cause a discrepancy with the sipping weight provided and you could undercharge/overcharge your customer.

Linking an existing product

If you're linking an existing product to Bookvault, you'll need to complete the following steps:

Step 1

On the Shopify product page, under 'More Actions' click 'Add to Bookvault'

Step 2

If your product contains an ISBN we recognize from your account, the 'Possible link will appear, if the correct product is shown, simply click 'Approve Link' in the top right of the product

Alternatively, if your product is not recognized, you'll see the below:

To choose which product is to be fulfilled, click the 'Setup Fulfillment' button, and click on the relevant title you wish to fulfill using this product

Once done, you should see that the product is pending a save:

Step 3

You then need to select which Bookvault locations you wish to use. Some may be greyed out if the product is not available at the specified print location.

Step 4

If you're using another fulfillment service in conjunction with Bookvault, you'll have 2 choices:

  • Basic Setup - This does the very minimum to your product, simply changing the SKU to match your Bookvault ISBN (So the app knows what to fulfill for the order) and adding your specified inventory locations
  • Complete Setup - This completely sets up your product, setting the weight, removing the need for stock as well as making Bookvault the sole supplier of the product.

For use with another fulfillment provider we recommend using the basic setup.

It's important to stress that in doing so, the weight will not be set, which could lead to discrepancies with shipping costs if using the Bookvault shipping profile.

Step 5

Once you're happy with the options you have selected, click the save button. This will then push the desired updates to your store and make the product available.

Creating a new product

Bookvault will only complete the full setup process when a product is initially linked to the Bookvault platform. You can create a product the same was as outlined in the Shopify guide, then make the relevant changes you need to for the other services