Once you have added your book to the system and uploaded print ready files, you can then take advantage of our distribution offering.
If you go to the page 'Manage Distribution' and fill in all the relevant information and hit save.
Listing On The Great British Book Shop

Your listing on The Great British Book Shop should come through within minutes, but please allow up to 2 working days if there are any initial issues.
If you had indicated a publication date in the future, this would go onto The Great British Book Shop but would be shown as a 'Pre-Order' on the store and would indicate this on the store as well as the release date, like the example here.
Listing on Amazon & Other Retailers
With Amazon & other retailers, we indicate between 2-6 weeks for the book to be available on their store. Please allow this time for your book to show up for sale.
Amazon and other retailers we work with don't offer a 'Pre-Order' solution, so if you have indicated a future publication date, our system wouldn't send any feeds out until that date, so would indicated 2-6 weeks from the publication date.