1. Help Center
  2. Your Bookvault Account

How do I raise a customer support ticket?

To raise a customer support ticket you can select one of two options.

1) When logged into your Bookvault dashboard, select 'support' on the left-hand-side menu. Here you can select 'raise a ticket' at the top right of the header menu.

2) From the Help Centre select 'Go to customer portal' at the top right-hand side of the menu. Here you can select 'raise a ticket' at the top right of the header menu.

Here you will complete a form regarding the issue that you are facing. It is important that you use the email address that matches your Bookvault account in order for the ticket to be attributed to your account correctly. 

Before raising a ticket it is worth checking if our help centre has the answers you are looking for, as it is the fastest way to resolve any issues.

Once submitted, you should receive an email confirmation of the ticket being received, and it will appear within your tickets.