Getting Started With The Bookvault API

The Bookvault API enables you to access all of Bookvaults features on your own system. Read below for help getting set-up!

Before using the Bookvault API, you first need to generate your API credentials. 

This done using the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Apps page on the Bookvault portal.
  2. On the top bar click the 'Generate Credentials' button under the Bookvault API.
  3. Read through the information on the page and once you're happy click the 'Generate New Key' button.
  4. This will then refresh the page and present you with your API key needed to access the Bookvault API. Please note, this will only be visible once, and if lost, a new key will need to be generated.

  5. Once you have this, you should then be able to access the Bookvault API using the API key provided within the authorisation header of your request

    Authorization: basic bv_YOUR_API_KEY

The latest API documentation can be found here